Thursday 20 August 2009

Greedy Basterds Opening Week!

This was too good, so I had to create a blog for it.

In honour of Disc10's excellent artwork, I hereby open the Greedy Basterds blog, where we shall expose an industry that has gotten greedy beyond belief.

Today's opening story comes from Activision. Following the news that console versions of CoD:MW2 will be upped in price to £54.99, PC gamers have now been hit by the news that there's been a price hike for the US version to $60:

Naturally our response at the Zone Forums was a two-fingered salute, followed by this:

Stay tuned for our next update ;-).

1 comment:

  1. Epic win on my part!

    And, erm, yea! The games industry are basterds!
